Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Jumped In

Jumped in by Patrick Flores-Scott, is a young adult fiction novel about a teenage boy named Sam that struggles socially. Being left with his grandparents by his mother, he has learned to distance himself from others. He’s known by as the unknown class slacker. He has also always obeyed his seven rules until a Mexican cholo by the name Luis transfers and changes all of that. One of the all the classes they have together makes more of an impact than any other, English. As the poetry slam is around the corner, they are partnered together. I personally loved this book because there is so much suspense and emotion within the text. Also, there are a couple of major plot twists. Yes, in the beginning a lot of the conflict and the characters seem a little dull but, by the end I was in tears. This books shows a perspective of a young stereotyped Mexican teenager could be someone they no one expected. You can truly feel the bond of the two boys grow together. If you would like more information on this book or on the writer click here.

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